Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 4

By now most of the students have built their wikis successfully although a few have access issues at home. Some have limited internet, some have creaky machines and some have been banned from using the PC because they have been on MSN Messenger all night. The content so far has been of good quality - especially by those students collaborating in some way or another.

The engagement factor is still very high and tomorrow I have another mission for them. We have our swimming carnival and while their they have to find a teacher based on these instructions:

せんせい の なまえ は わかりません。 せんせい は 日本語 が はなします。

When they work out who it is AND use the correct phrase they will get this codeword clue:

495.6 HAL 刀

This will lead them to the next area of research and reporting. None of them have found the twitter account yet despite it being in the sig block of Dr Tonkin in every email they have received.

Be well!

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